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Oh, no, the dog ate it! Email AGAIN if you volunteered for the Emergency Weather Response Team.

Well, probably not the dog, but something made Jim Smith's email disappear.

If you already volunteered to serve on the Emergency Weather Response Team, please email Dorothy at  Sadly, we've lost your earlier offer to help.

Do over:
Not sure what this new project is?  Here's the earlier email from Jim Smith:

The Deacon’s think it would be wise for our church to have a severe weather response team to help members out after severe weather.  I can imagine that it could run the gamut:

  • helping people pick up twigs in their yards  
  • using loppers and pruning shears to repair damaged bushes and shrubs
  • those of us with chain saws using them to cut small trees and branches
  • using our trucks to haul debris to the landfill
  • delivering water, batteries, food to folks who are homebound
  • offering warm showers or a bed with heating/air conditioning
  • etcetera

If you are interested in being included on the team, please email Dorothy at

In the event of need, we will contact volunteers with a list of people needing help, and the type of help needed.

- submitted by Dorothy for CUCC's Emergency Weather Response Team