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Independence, Interdependence - Life & Faith June 18

Work, family, friendships, church - are you drawn more to independence or interdependence?  What makes it possible for you to put aside your own interests for the sake of the group?  To define healthy boundaries?  Examples in church life abound:  pledging money, committing to serve in a regular role, showing up for worship when you'd rather sleep in, becoming a sign-on-the-dotted-line member.  Where in your life are you wrestling between the freedom of independence and the community of interdependence?

Drop in for questions, conversation, laughter and friendship at Life & Faith.  We'll riff on these questions inspired by David Brooks' new book "The Second Mountain: The Quest for the Moral Life."  [Ironic note:  "Drop in" - wow, that is a choice of words on the side of independence.]

Where:  table with the red Life & Faith comma at Wilson's Eatery, 1053 E Whitaker Mill Rd, Raleigh
When:  Tuesday, June 18, 6:30pm to order your dinner or beverage, 7-8pm conversation
Money:  Pay for what you order and, we hope, tip generously
Questions:  Jane Smith, convener