Drop in for conversation any weekday, 1-2PM. No agenda, just friendship.
Would you like to host a day of CUCC Cafe and invite people you are missing? We'll set up Zoom, and you send the invitations.
To get the Zoom sign in information, contact Bill Lamb (M, T, W, F Cafes) william.e.lamb@gmail.com or Śānti Matthews (TH Cafe) education.cucc@gmail.com.
Would you like to host a day of CUCC Cafe and invite people you are missing? We'll set up Zoom, and you send the invitations.
To get the Zoom sign in information, contact Bill Lamb (M, T, W, F Cafes) william.e.lamb@gmail.com or Śānti Matthews (TH Cafe) education.cucc@gmail.com.