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Who does what to welcome Pastor Lacey

Everyone is excited to welcome Pastor Lacey to CUCC! Many members are working to ensure her transition and welcoming is a smooth one, even in this virtual space.

First semantically, there are four groups that are often associated with church staff and volunteers:  Pastoral Relations Committee, Nominating Committee,  Personnel Committee, and the transition/welcoming team.

The Pastoral Relations Committee is a standing committee that will spring to action this summer. Pastoral Relations ensure effective dialogue among the pastor, congregation and the Deacons. This group will meet with the pastor on a mutually agreed upon schedule once Pastor Lacey gets settled. Members are taken from Deacons and Council appointees, with one additional member appointed by the pastor. Pastor Lacey has elected to fill her slot once she gets an opportunity to meet more members of the congregation. The Deacons have appointed Joan McAllister and Joe Retzer, while Council has tapped Ellen Beidler and Laurel Powell.

The Nominating Committee (part of the Stewardship Ministry) focuses on the volunteers at CUCC, and is responsible for filling the slate for elected offices in the church and ensuring that ministries have the people-power they need to do great things. The committee is chaired by Nancy Stoddard, with Dorothy, Marty Lamb, John Little, and Sue Cottle as committee members.

Personnel Committee members (Geri Bowen, Betty Anne Ford, and Grady McCallie) are elected for 3-year terms. Personnel collaborates with the pastor (as head of staff) on revising policies (personnel, Safe Church) and in matters pertaining to the rest of the staff (ex. hiring, salary recommendations).  Personnel also evaluates the pastor annually.

The transition/welcoming team is a temporary committee that will disband (possibly) come August. The group is made up of search committee members and other volunteers, with the goal of helping Lacey and Jordyne feel welcome and to make their transition to life in Raleigh and at CUCC a smooth one. The members of this team are: Mike Cline, Anita Sawhney, Marty Lamb, Sophie Flynn, and Autumn Cobeland, with Jane Smith, Merrilee Jacobson, Susan Atkinson and Santi Matthews serving as advisors. Megan Fackler Bretz will be meeting with Pastor Lacey this week and the committee will plan from there. The team has had its first meeting and is planning innovative ways to welcome Pastor Lacey to CUCC in this time of Virtual Church. If you have any great ideas, please reach out to Megan Fackler Bretz or members of this team.

You can find contact information for members of these committees and team in the Breeze tags.

- submitted by Megan Fackler Bretz, Moderator