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Out!Raleigh - May the Fourth Be With You!

May the Fourth Be With You!!!
Out!Raleigh, an annual downtown event highlighting LGBTQ folks in the Triangle Area, is going to be held from 10:00am to 5:00pm, Saturday, May 4.  Community UCC and Good Shepherd UCC will be sharing a booth, spreading the word about our respective open and affirming congregations.  CUCC has participated in the event every year, and every year I am surprised and saddened by the number of people who do not know that church can be an affirming experience.  I remember that one year CUCC folks had t-shirts that invited people to tell their stories of being hurt by the church.  These stories are heartbreaking.  So much healing love is needed!
We would like to have 2 people for fours time slots between 10-6.  Skip and Nancy have volunteered to do set-up, and Joan will help with taking down the materials.  Cathy Marshall and Dawn Koonce have also volunteered.  This means we need about four more people to help.  This means that you will be at the booth, engaging people as they come by, explaining about O&A and what that means to you, providing written materials, and inviting them to visit us.  We follow up with those who provide contact information.  There will be food and beverage vendors, lots of activities for kids, and a lot of great information about community resources.
So please check your calendars NOW and let Joan know if you can help out!  (