We are excited to welcome two dynamic pastors on staff for this bridge period who bring a balance of energies and gifts to our congregation. The position of Bridge Minister will be shared equally by each of the candidates, both working 25 hours each per week. Carol Ripley-Moffitt and Anthony Hoshaw are excited to work together in creating this bridge Co-Pastor model. Their official start date will be August 1st and they will both participate in the service on August 4th. More specific information regarding how the job duties will be handled is forthcoming.
Carol Ripley-Moffitt has a M. Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary. She served as Intentional Interim Pastor for Community United Church of Christ from 1999 to 2001. Following that assignment, Carol worked in the field of public health as Director of the UNC Nicotine Dependence Program, retiring in July 2017. She has taken on caregiving roles for her Mother, as she recovered from a stroke and lived with them (she’s now back in Greensboro) and most recently her two granddaughters who are with her several days each week. Her husband Matthew still loves teaching sixth grade World Cultures at Cary Academy. Carol looks forward to reconnecting with CUCC, discovering where Spirit has been at work in our lives and communities, and how we can be together as God’s people in this time and place.
Anthony (Tony) Hoshaw acquired his Ph.D. in Theology, Ethics and the Human Sciences in May 2019 from Chicago Theological Seminary and his M.Div from McCormick Theological Seminary. He is currently involved in the process of becoming licensed as a lay minister. Likewise, he is a member in discernment through Eastern North Carolina Association of the United Church of Christ. Tony is a current member of Good Shepherd United Church of Christ in Cary and has been serving in various capacities within the church. He is married to his husband Justin and they have a son, William.
Moving forward, they are both fine with being called by their first names, “Carol” or “Tony”, though happy for children and others who feel more comfortable to call them “Pastor Carol” or “Pastor Tony.”
Special thanks to the Bridge Minister Committee for their hard work, dedication and willingness to step outside the box by finding and creating the best fit possible. Those individuals are: Beth Allison-Moon (chair), Autumn Cobeland, Tim Jensen, Betty Anne Ford, Morgan Singletary and Joanna Woodrum.
Rev. Carol Ripley-Moffitt |
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Dr. Anthony Hoshaw |
Moving forward, they are both fine with being called by their first names, “Carol” or “Tony”, though happy for children and others who feel more comfortable to call them “Pastor Carol” or “Pastor Tony.”
Special thanks to the Bridge Minister Committee for their hard work, dedication and willingness to step outside the box by finding and creating the best fit possible. Those individuals are: Beth Allison-Moon (chair), Autumn Cobeland, Tim Jensen, Betty Anne Ford, Morgan Singletary and Joanna Woodrum.