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Idea from Amanda: Try a worship journal

Does anyone else write notes during the worship service?  I have done this for many years.  My notes help me remember to look up a song I want to hear again, look up a book or author that was mentioned during the service, remember something I want to think about from the sermon, or just lets me express a thought or feeling.  I used to write these on pew bulletins but now that we are in a phase of virtual church, I’ve decided to keep a notebook for this purpose.  Last Sunday I wrote a note to remember to make a palm for next week (demonstrated by Śānti during the Children’s Talk) and to remember to go outside today (prompted by Tony’s Six Questions).  I would love to know if anyone else keeps notes like this or intends to try it out. Rather than pulling me away from the service, taking brief notes makes me feel more present.

Amanda Jost, a member of the CUCC Virtual Worship team