You can still mail checks to the office toward your pledge, for special service projects, and to pay for things we order for you. Remember to put the purpose of your gift in the memo line. Mail to: Assistant Treasurer, CUCC, 814 Dixie Trail, Raleigh, NC 27607
Grab your phone and text to give. How do we know the purpose of your gift? You add one of the key words. Text the amount and a key word to 919-888-4541. (Example: Texting 50 pastor begins the process of donating $50 toward the pastor's discretionary fund to assist people experiencing financial hardship. The first time you text to give you will then be asked to add your credit card or bank information. After that, the processor remembers your information.) Current key words are:
Key words for donations
General- no key word, contributes to CUCC's general fund
Pastor - contributes to the pastor’s discretionary fund
Pledge - contributes toward your pledge
Key words for items we are purchasing for you
None at the moment
Wondering if you are up to date on donating toward your pledge? Look at the Giving section in your profile in Breeze. If you want to make a new payment, click on Give Now in the tool bar. All of the same options to direct your gift are in Breeze as are available for text to give. Your contribution section in Breeze is visible to your household and to the Assistant Treasurer. Access Breeze here
Don't want to log into Breeze? You can give through our website where we have the Breeze Give Now page installed for you. You can't see your contributions to date, but you can direct your gifts to the same options as for text to give.
COVID-19 has challenged me financially and I don't think I will complete my pledge this year. What should I do?
First, know that we care about you and are here for you with prayers and practical support. Schedule a meeting with Pastor Lacey for pastoral care and to see if there are practical ways we can assist you in this difficult time ( Next, contact Assistant Treasurer Jeanne Ledbetter to let her know you may not be able to donate toward your pledge (
Are there any fees for using text to give or donating online?
Yes. While the full amount of your donation is tax deductible and you pay no fees, CUCC pays a transaction fee for each transaction. Donations received online are reduced by 2.9% + $0.30/transaction for credit/debit card payments or 1% + $0.25/transaction for ACH payments. Consider rounding up to cover the processing costs charged by the service.
Can I set up an automatic donation?
Yes. From Breeze or our website you can select how often you want to donate from your credit card or bank account. Select the frequency you want to donate.
Does my donation qualify for a tax deduction?
Yes. CUCC is a 501 c 3 organization and any gifts you make which are not for goods and services (for instance, not for purchasing a book) qualify for a tax deduction.