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What would your photographic welcome look like?

Think back on your Sunday mornings in CUCC’s sanctuary, specifically the anticipatory lull between sitting down in your usual spot, bulletin in hand, and the beginning of the service. There are friendly greetings and settling in, but you are also invited by the surroundings to take a deep breath and begin moving toward a worshipful frame of mind. While waiting for the musical welcome of the prelude, you have on the communion table before you a visual gift to take in; an artful arrangement to remind us of the outstanding and varied beauty found in creation.

It is with this meditational intent in mind that our virtual services now begin with a photographic welcome that remains on-screen until worship begins. You’ve probably noticed them - a photo of birdhouses, a flower close-up, the bottle cap art made by the CUCC youth, an arrangement of heart-shaped rocks, and more. Imagine if this were your photo of a flower arrangement in your home, an artistic vignette, a written or created ‘welcome’ sign, a previously taken photo that moved you; any lovely welcome created and/or photographed by you, as simple or involved as you’d like.

Ideally this will be an ongoing element with representation from all ages and abilities and interpretations. We’ve had a couple of youth participate so far but are still hoping to see how our even younger members would welcome us to worship. Send your photo or questions to Susan Hasbrouck at

What would your photographic welcome look like?