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Cash bail bond reform part of new SOC anti-racist & racial justice work

CUCC's Cash Bail Bond Reform Resolution, recently adopted by the Southern Conference of the UCC, is featured as one step in the Southern Conference's new commitment to become an Anti-Racist and Racial Justice Conference of the United Church of Christ.

Read more about the SOC's commitment to racial justice and how our cash bail bond reform effort work together.  

A 55th Annual Gathering Highlight: Resolutions voice justice issues
written by Rev. Edward S. Davis (D.Min.), Conference Minister for the Southern Conference, United Church of Christ

The Southern Conference at its unified 55th Annual Gathering voted and approved a resolution to become an Anti-Racist and Racial Justice Conference of the United Church of Christ. With this statement, we declare ourselves to be committed to affirming the humanity in all of God’s people. There is no other issue that has plagued this nation and society more than issues of race and racism. It is the most sensitive issue that has divided people not only here in this country but worldwide. For some people of color, and I do not speak for all of them, it has resulted in humiliation, degradation, and even death.

The theologian Dietrick Bonhoeffer says “not to speak, is to speak, and not to act is to act.” The Church cannot be silent on any issue that oppresses another human being. I am reminded of Jesus in the gospel of Luke when he laid out his mission statement for his ministry. He proclaimed, the spirit of the Lord is upon me and has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives, and let those who are oppressed go free. In addition, the SOC also approved a Bail Bond Resolution encouraging all settings to advocate to change the cash bail bond system and to eliminate the racial and injustice inherent in the present system.

The Southern Conference has placed its footprints in sands of justice to fulfill God’s call to care and love one another. I say thank you for those who helped frame this document and we look forward to the education and implementation of this resolution.

- from the newsletter of the Southern Conference of the United Church of Christ

- story submitted by Gary Smith for CUCC's Cash Bail Bond Reform working group