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More ways to be involved in Community!

CUCC has a great diversity of talents and interests among our members, and we need some of you to help us out.  Are you looking for a more active way to participate in our community, and a meaningful way to serve the Church? The nominating committee is looking for anyone who wants to help with a ministry or committee. Some of these will look different until we’re meeting in person again, but please email if anything interests you!

Here are some of the ministries that need more volunteers:

Welcoming and Fellowship- helps us welcome new people and creates events where we can deepen our friendships.

Ushers- are the behind the scenes hosts at worship.

Stewardship Ministry - invites us to offer our talents and money to the ministries of CUCC, and stewards the financial gifts that are offered.

Sacraments and Chancel - enhances worship through the beauty of natural arrangements on the communion table, banners, and vestments.  We also prepare the communion elements.

Religious Education Ministry - provides opportunities for CUCCers of all ages to continue to grow our faith intellectually.

Property Ministry - puts us to work as good stewards of our buildings and grounds.

Justice in a Changing Climate Task Force - assists the congregation across ministries in addressing the climate crisis, especially attending to those with the fewest resources.

Do Justice Ministry - connects us to opportunities to advocate for changes in systems so they are more just.

Community Outreach Ministry- mobilizes us to provide direct services to people in the community and around the world.

Communications Committee - stewards our online and paper communications tools so we can welcome those we have yet to meet and stay connected to each other.  

Caring - coordinates ministry and support for members of the congregation who face health crises or personal problems. We celebrate, too - births, major anniversaries and birthdays.

Arts in Worship - infuses art and creativity into our worship services and community.

Submitted by Nancy Stoddard, Nominating Committee Chair